Detroit - Cleveland

Defense Area

Site D-16 - Selfridge AFB/ANGB

Unit: 1955 - 9/58, Battery A, 516th USA
9/58 - 6/71, Battery A, 3rd Battalion, 517th USA
Activation Date: 1955
Hercules conversion date Sept 1958
De-activation Date: June 1971
IFC Area: Selfridge Air National Guard Base - South Perimeter Road, west of south gate.
GPS: +42° 35' 55", -82° 49' 09"
Launch Area: Selfridge Air National Guard Base - South Perimeter Road, west of south gate.
GPS: +42° 35' 55", -82° 49' 53"
Radar(s): HIPAR
Missiles: 20 Ajax/12 Hercules
Magazine(s): 2 type B
Launchers: 8 Universal
Current Status:
Comments: Thanks to Tom Page of for discovering that D-14 and D-16 did not share an IFC.

D-14 Launch Area and D-16 Launch Area as seen in 1961. The D-16 IFC is to the East of D-16L.

D-16 Launcher Area as seen in 1961.

D-16 IFC as seen in 1961.

D-16 Launcher area.  Contributed by Joe Ledford. 76k
Barracks area - Late 50's.  Contributed by Joe Ledford. 74k
Joe Ledford in the Barracks area - Late 50's.  Contributed by Joe Ledford.  49k
Contributed by Joe Ledford. 62k

F-86D fighter with Nike Ajax missile on display behind it at D16 launcher area. Contributed by Mike Denja. 59k

© Walter P. Reuther Library, Wayne State University. All rights, including those of further reproduction and/or publication, are reserved in full by the Walter P. Reuther Library, Wayne State University. Under no circumstances can the user distribute the image(s). All image inquiries are to be forwarded to the Walter P. Reuther Library's Audiovisual Department. Photographic reproductions may be protected by U.S. copyright law (U.S. Title 17). The user is fully responsible for copyright infringement.

Sign for D16 site. Contributed by Mike Denja. 60k

© Walter P. Reuther Library, Wayne State University. All rights, including those of further reproduction and/or publication, are reserved in full by the Walter P. Reuther Library, Wayne State University. Under no circumstances can the user distribute the image(s). All image inquiries are to be forwarded to the Walter P. Reuther Library's Audiovisual Department. Photographic reproductions may be protected by U.S. copyright law (U.S. Title 17). The user is fully responsible for copyright infringement.

Hercules elevated into launch position. Contributed by Mike Denja. 59k

© Walter P. Reuther Library, Wayne State University. All rights, including those of further reproduction and/or publication, are reserved in full by the Walter P. Reuther Library, Wayne State University. Under no circumstances can the user distribute the image(s). All image inquiries are to be forwarded to the Walter P. Reuther Library's Audiovisual Department. Photographic reproductions may be protected by U.S. copyright law (U.S. Title 17). The user is fully responsible for copyright infringement.

Guard shack with HIPAR antenna radome in the background. Contributed by Mike Denja. 63k

© Walter P. Reuther Library, Wayne State University. All rights, including those of further reproduction and/or publication, are reserved in full by the Walter P. Reuther Library, Wayne State University. Under no circumstances can the user distribute the image(s). All image inquiries are to be forwarded to the Walter P. Reuther Library's Audiovisual Department. Photographic reproductions may be protected by U.S. copyright law (U.S. Title 17). The user is fully responsible for copyright infringement.

Memo documenting the personnel assignments for Emergency Equipment Maintenance for all Detroit Nike Sites. Contributed by Linda Klais. 395k

Personnel Stationed at D-16

Rank Name Assignment Dates
  Joseph R. Ledford Launcher Crewman 1956 - 1958
  Billy A. Paul Senior IFC operator and Section Chief 1956 - 1958

Formerly Used Defense Sites Public Geographic Information System

Property Name:


Latitude: 42° 36' 26" N
Longitude: 82° 49' 58" W
County: MACOMB
State: MI 
Corps Geographic Office: Louisville District (LRL) 
Point of Contact: LRL Public Affairs Office 
Public Affairs Office
Phone Number:
Status on National
Priorities List:
Not Listed 
EPA Region: 5
Congressional District: 10
Restoration Advisory
Board Available:
Property Description
Consisted of 101.18 acres
Property History
Site was unimproved, .27 of an acre used for power lines.
Current Ownership Types(s): PRIVATE; STATE
Cost to Complete (thousands): $10

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