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Links to other Nike Related Websites

Official web page of Nike Historical Society - Supporting the LAST US Nike missile site.
Hole in the Head Press - publisher of Rings of Supersonic Steel 2nd Edition  by Mark Berhow  - An excellent historical reference of the Air Defenses of the United States Army from 1950 - 1979.
Edward Thelen's Nike Missile Web Page - This site is what re-kindled my interest in Nike,  It is by far the most comprehensive one out there.  THE Nike reference on the internet.
The Nike Missile Air Defense System and Los Angeles - Fort McArthur museum in Los Angeles.
Nike Ajax and Hercules Ordnance Support Units - Doyle Piland's website dedicated to the men and women, both military and civilian, who served in the various Nike Ajax and Hercules support shops throughout the world.

The Stanley R. Mickelsen Safeguard Complex. The Stanley R. Mickelsen Safeguard Complex was the United States' first operational ABM (anti-ballistic missile) defense system. This is a very well done and interesting site which I've included due to Nike being part of it's origins.

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This page was last updated on 09/03/2012 .
© 1998 - 2022 T. Bateman